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Bob Graham Round Map

The Bob Graham Round: An Iconic Fell Running Challenge


The Bob Graham Round is a legendary sub-24-hour fell running challenge that traverses much of the scenic Lake District in England. Named after Bob Graham, a renowned Keswick guest-house owner, this arduous route has captured the imagination of runners worldwide.

A Legendary Challenge

Completed in June 1932 by Graham himself, the Bob Graham Round has become an iconic test of endurance and skill. The route covers 669 miles with an elevation gain of over 26,000 feet. Participants must navigate rugged terrain, including steep fells and treacherous bogs, within a strict time limit of 24 hours.

Alex Staniforth's Experience

OS Champion Alex Staniforth recently shared his exhilarating experience of completing the Bob Graham Round. In a captivating account, Staniforth describes the physical and mental challenges he faced, the camaraderie among runners, and the stunning scenery that accompanied him throughout the journey.

Tips for Success

For those aspiring to tackle the Bob Graham Round, Staniforth offers invaluable advice. These include:

  • Training consistently and building up endurance
  • Familiarizing oneself with the route in advance
  • Managing nutrition and hydration effectively
  • Pacing oneself conservatively to avoid fatigue

Legacy and Inspiration

The Bob Graham Round continues to inspire and challenge runners of all abilities. Its legacy as an iconic fell running challenge endures, and Staniforth's account serves as a testament to the transformative power of determination and resilience.


Whether you are an experienced runner or an aspiring adventurer, the Bob Graham Round offers an unparalleled opportunity to test your limits and experience the rugged beauty of the Lake District. With proper preparation and unwavering resolve, this legendary challenge can be conquered, leaving an unforgettable mark on your journey.
