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Animal Tissue Culture Techniques

Animal Cell Culture: Essential Techniques and Applications

Techniques of Animal Cell Culture

Animal cell culture involves growing animal cells in a controlled environment to study their properties and behavior. This chapter outlines essential techniques for animal cell culture, including media preparation, subculturing, cryopreservation, and contamination control.

Applications of Animal Cell Culture

Animal cell culture has a wide range of applications in biomedical research, drug development, and biotechnology. It is used to study cell growth, differentiation, and metabolism, and to produce therapeutic proteins and vaccines.

Safety and Ethical Considerations

Due to the use of animal or human tissues, animal cell culture raises safety and ethical concerns. This chapter provides guidelines for handling hazardous materials, minimizing risks, and adhering to ethical principles.

Advancements in Cell Culture Technology

Cell culture technology has evolved significantly over the past century, leading to the development of specialized culture media that optimize growth conditions for specific cell types. These advancements have expanded the applications of animal cell culture and facilitated the study of complex cellular processes.
